
Stitch Fix: October, 2015

My cat, Sake, was really stoked about this Stitch Fix.

(Not really.)

(I probably didn't need to tell you that, eh?)

Okay, let's get started.

They did better with colors this Fix. First up: another fucking pair of skinny jeans.

Oh, also, plaid. Apparently that's a thing this year. 

My thoughts: happy about the colored pants. Prettttttty sure I can even pull them off with these shoes (yes, they are sparkly oxfords.) The shirt is also a really thin fabric, not flannel, so that's kinda cool? But, plaid? Seriously? Also: really, really need to get off this skinny jeans kick. How did we go from mega flare back to hipster land? Or are we ALWAYS in hipster land? 

Next up: a faux leather moto jacket. It's a bit tight in the biceps, but it's nice quality. 

Do I need another jacket? No, definitely not. Do I like this one?

Well, when I zip it up, I look like this, so I'll let you be the judge: 

Moving on, we have a dolman striped shirt. For those of you who don't know, "dolman" means "if you spread your arms in a T pose, you look like a flying squirrel or like you are wearing a fashionable wingsuit."

Last up, the most formal of all the outfits. They call this the Clover shirt. I don't really know why. They don't look like clovers to me. 

Funny faces aside, what's a keeper and what's a no-go? Also remember: I shouldn't keep four - it's more economical with the discount to keep all of them than send one back (weird logic, but basically if you are going to ditch anything, tell me to ditch two.) 

And here's the prerequisite referral link if you want to try for yourself: https://www.stitchfix.com/referral/3792668


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